Kindness is at the very heart of our wellbeing. The relationships that we have with those around us, and the quality of our interactions with organisations and services, are fundamental to improving wellbeing outcomes across society. From 2016 to 2021, we led a programme of work to explore what can be done to encourage kindness in our communities, in our organisations and services, and in public policy.
2018 Research findings
Over 80% respondents report experiencing kindness across public services.
Over 90% think people in their area are generally kind.
Women were more likely to experience kindness than men.
Project summary
Carnegie UK began this work in 2016, with the support of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, by working with organisations to test what could be done to encourage kinder communities. Stories of how everyday relationships support the wellbeing of individuals and communities – as well as some of the barriers that can inhibit kindness – are captured in our report The Place of Kindness.
In 2018, we then worked with Carnegie UK Fellow, Julia Unwin DBE, to examine the role of kindness in public policy. Her report: “Kindness, emotions and human relationships: The blind spot in public policy”, argues that, while there have been good reasons for keeping kindness separate from public policy, the major challenges of our time demand an approach that is more centred on relationships; and with technology and artificial intelligence transforming the way we do things, it is imperative that public policy places equal weight on emotional intelligence.
In the same year, we published findings from the first ever quantitative survey on experiences of kindness in communities and public services. The data series: “Quantifying kindness, public engagement and place”, presented a complex picture across the UK and Ireland, with generally high levels of kindness but at the same time variations in experiences between jurisdictions and different social groups.
In 2019, we undertook a range of projects to explore what it takes to put kindness into practice. Our report, The Practice of Kindness, brought together learning on the practical implementation of kindness, and also highlighted challenges relating to attitudes towards risk, professionalism and performance management.
Building on this knowledge and experience in the final years of the programme, we worked with Carnegie Associate, Dr Elizabeth Kelly. Exploring the role of kindness in health and social care in Scotland. Through this project we worked with a small group of medics to reflect on learning from the healthcare response to COVID-19, the findings of which can be found in our report: “The courage to be kind”.
We coordinated a Kindness Leadership Network, made up of leaders in different sectors across England, Scotland and Wales, to co-create a vision and set of practical tools to unlock kindness within organisations. Our findings from this work were shared in Leading with Kindness.
- Blog
Where does kindness fit in the new strategy?
“We believe in radical kindness as the connection we have to each other and to wider society; we commit to putting strong relationships at the heart of everything we do.” When Carnegie UK first began talking about kindness in 2016, it felt uncertain. We knew that kindness and relationships were critical for individual and collective […]
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