• Report

Remaking British Towns after Brexit: Key Actions for Policy Makers and Planners

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  • Communities
  • Carnegie UK
  • 19 September 2018

This report, and the full report, New Powers, New Deals: Remaking British Towns after Brexit, explore the links between Brexit and towns. The research found that towns that are either (economically) disadvantaged or have grown too fast for services to keep up were those that voted to leave the EU, and are those most likely to suffer the worst consequences. The report looks at what leaving the EU means for towns economies and wellbeing, and argues that policy makers need to pay more attention to towns and to develop innovative Towns Deals. The report, authored by Professor Duncan MacLennan and Heather McCauley, will help inform our Flourishing Towns work, arguing that to reduce the risk and raise the opportunities consequent to Brexit, towns need to develop strategies based on a good understanding of their place in the world.

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