Wellbeing watch: 5 things on Carnegie UK’s radar 

  • by Stuart Mackinnon, Carnegie UK
  • 18 January 2023
  • 3 minute read

1. Vote with your feet! Watch our democratic wellbeing webinar – This time last year, Carnegie UK released a new report and polling by YouGov that revealed that less than half of the public in England (45%) feel that democracy works well in the UK.

We’re holding a special webinar on 1st February to discuss whether the situation has improved both in England and elsewhere in the UK. Jo Swinson and Martha Mackenzie will chew over the issues with us, and we’ll look at means to boost democratic wellbeing.  

2. Digital debate: the return of the Online Safety Bill – The Online Safety Bill returned to the House of Commons this week, ahead of a likely long journey through the House of Lords. For some time at Carnegie UK, we’ve been making the case to reduce harm to vulnerable people and children online.

Members of our team continue to make detailed representations along with partners in the hope of making the new legislation as effective as possible.  

3. Significant news: Statistical Review of the Measures of National Wellbeing – At the end of last year, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) launched a review of their Measures National Well-being.

This set of metrics is important to everyone with a stake in our agenda in the UK, as these figures could underpin an official measurement of collective wellbeing. This, in turn, could lead to policy development aimed at directly boosting wellbeing. 

Recent Carnegie UK research outlined the limits of GDP as a measure of social progress. We await the outcome of this ONS consultation as we pursue the development of smarter measures.   

4. Ciao to Howe: New Future Generations Commissioner for Wales – Derek Walker will become the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales early this year, following a seven-year term by Sophie Howe. 

The achievements of Sophie and her team are outlined in this great blog which outlines the issues they’ve worked on since the legislation created her post. We look forward to working with Derek on better wellbeing in Wales and looking for lessons that can be applied elsewhere in the UK.

5. Boyack backs Bill: Proposed Wellbeing legislation for Scotland – Sarah Boyack MSP has proposed a Member’s Bill to ensure policy development and implementation by public bodies is in line with principles of sustainable development. These moves would include establishing a Wellbeing Commissioner for Scotland.

At Carnegie UK, we’re right behind moves to put wellbeing at the centre of policymaking. That’s why we support these moves, and want organisations looking to the long-term to respond to the consultation.