- Budgets and finance
- Current affairs
- Government and public services
- Hannah Paylor, Carnegie UK
- 24 August 2023
- ISBN: 978-1-912908-89-9
Over the last decade, Scotland has emerged as one of the leaders in the international wellbeing movement. In May 2023, Wales’ First Future Generations Commissioner, Sophie Howe, visited Edinburgh. The visit offered an opportunity for MSPs, civil servants, and others working on wellbeing policy in Scotland to learn from her experience. This report outlines learning from this visit.
The report gives an overview of the visit from Ms Howe, with an associated foreword from Sarah Boyack MSP. The report goes on to answer the following questions:
What are the principles of the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act?
What’s the distinctive role of a Wellbeing Commissioner in Wales?
What could Scotland learn from Wales in relation to this agenda?
With a Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill on the horizon in Scotland, this paper provides an overview of the key learning from the visit from Ms Howe, along with answers to some of the questions about what this kind of legislation would look like in practice. During the visit, we heard from Ms Howe about how the Welsh Act sets out the ways in which Welsh public bodies must work to achieve the wellbeing goals set out in the legislation.
The report considers how from a Scottish perspective, the 5 ways of working (long-term, integration, involvement, collaboration and prevention) are not dissimilar from the approach articulated within the Christie Commission on the future delivery of public services (prevention, performance, public participation and partnership).
In taking a wellbeing bill forward, it is clear that Scotland would have an invaluable opportunity to learn from the successful experience of a Future Generations Act and Commissioner in Wales, and to use this to develop world-leading legislation that gives Government and public bodies the tools to put the wellbeing of citizens, now and in the future, at the heart of their decisions.
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