• Supported Publication

Digital Resilience, Inclusion & Wellbeing For Looked After Children & Young People

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  • Evidence and reports
  • Keira Anderson and Peter Swanton, Snook
  • 16 October 2019

Digital Resilience, Inclusion & Wellbeing for Looked after Children & Young People, led by Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership, undertaken by Snook and supported by the Carnegie UK Trust, explores the digital experiences of looked after and accommodated young people in Glasgow, to understand how they are accessing the internet, what they are currently using the internet for and what their needs are from the internet in the place where they live. Based on qualitative research with a group of young people, the report presents a snapshot of experiences and range of findings relating to digital skills, access, inequality, online safety and digital ethics. The report also provides a framework of recommendations and next steps for each of the themes explored.  

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